Now is the time for parents to be thinking about summer enrichment for their little ones. Remember how happy you were when school was out for the summer? Your feelings for summer vacation probably have changed now that you are the parent and you have an active preschooler. Refuse to allow your kids to sit like zombies in front of the television and video games all season.
With a little planning, you can devise fun activities for your preschool students that will also challenge their growing brains and coordination. When you participate, your child gets quality time to learn about their family, themselves, and the world around them. Here are some ideas to have valuable enrichment for your preschooler in Wilmington:
Summer Camp
Most preschoolers are too young to stay away from home at a traditional summer camp. You might consider day camps that only last for a few hours. These camps are often run by qualified and licensed preschool staff. Your child can enjoy all sorts of exercise and summer enrichment during the week. Some day camps screen and invite volunteer parents as class aids.
Library Day for Preschool Enrichment

To encourage your preschoolers who are just learning to read simple words, include a trip to your public library once a week. Libraries have whole sections of picture books and beginning readers that your children will love. Most libraries even have a summer reading program, where kids get points and prizes for the number of books they have checked out and read.
Be an active part in your child’s summer enrichment and read to them at home. Help them sound out letters and simple words to you. They will have a stronger foundation for phonics and sight reading when they enter kindergarten in the fall.